Monday, November 22, 2010

Daphne has news...

That's right, Daphne has big news she is excited about. There will be another little Eddings running around here about the middle of June (16th).
Daphne is having to show off her Mickey Mouse. If only I had my video camera, I could have gotten her singing the "hot dog" song.

Lots of Posts-part 3

Tiff came down for a bit this weekend to spend some much needed park time with Daphne. She went to Shells (third time that week!) and then to Glen Hilton Park to play on the slides and with the ducks. I'm not sure who had more fun...Daphne...or TIFF!
Daphne figuring out the slide.
Daphne and Joe "wacing" down the slide.
Tiff and Daphne "wacing" down the slide. I think Daphne won that one.
Daphne and Joe playing in the leaves.
Oh we got to see TONS of ducks. We fed them for a long time.
These are only part of the ducks. It was crazy the amount of ducks there were!
This reminds me of Pooh Bear and Piglet playing the stick game on the bridge. haha
Daphne and Tiff getting ready to leave.

Lots of Posts-Part 2

These are all about Halloween and our festivities. We got to take Daphne on her first trick-or-treating experience. Oh she had a blast. She and Bryson was so tired by the end of the night!
Woody and Jessie getting ready to go get lots of candy.
Daphne hanging on to her hat for dear life. She wouldn't let go of it (until we got to the car, then daddy wore it)
Our little cowgirl. Or excuse me "big girl" as Daphne reminds us daily now.
Charity really likes my pumpkin seeds, but I didn't know she liked them THAT much!
The kids painting pumpkins while we carved them.
Artists at work!

Lots of Posts-part 1

I'm finally getting back to my computer to upload about a million pictures we have taken. So much has happened. I'm not going into details, I'll just show you pictures instead! We all know that's what you are here for anyway ;)

This is Daphne's almost-permanent spot in the house. We have lots of time outs in our house. At least she's learning quickly! (yes, she is just as hard headed and independent as both her mommy and daddy!)
Paw and Daphne snuck off one day to the golf course. It must be nice to get out of school whenever she has a few really good days!

They also went fishing for the first time ever. She STILL talks about that "catch fish."
Aunt Shannon trying to help her reel in her catch.
And yes, they did bring that home to mommy. It's still in the freezer.
yummy homemade pizza. One of Daphne's favorites!
Of course she has on a rather large plastic cross from daddy's costume. She loves the necklace.
Paw bought her these balloons because she could count to 10. Can we say spoiled?
We also got candy for being a good girl at the doctor's office with paw. We LOVE paw being retired!