Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sleep over

The girls had a sleep over with each other in the igloo tent.  They wanted to build the tent in the afternoon and sleep in it all night.  We put it up in Jocelyn's room, and they both slept in there all night.  It was adorable listening to them both through the baby monitor, talking late at night. 
 Skippy John had to join the girls, as well as Pink Baby!

 Daddy snuck some water and smores goodies into the tent for them. 

 Too cute!
Clinton and I went out on a date!  Without the girls!  We were invited to a semi-formal "Dancing with the Stars" even at the Crown Plaza.  It was very nice.  Ms. Barbara from preschool gave us two tickets.  It was catered, and we watched the competition.  It was a great night out.  We got all dressed up and enjoyed spending time with each other.  We even stopped for coffee/hot chocolate when it was over.  We don't go out just the two of us very often, so this was a wonderful night!  Thanks Ms. Barbara!

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