Friday, December 28, 2012

Tree Decorating

Those that know us, understand our Griswaldiness at Christmas.  We love decorating the house during this time.  We spend quite a bit of time getting the house to look at light-tastic as possible.  The girls have joined us in this awesomeness, and share our excitement.
 Jocelyn helping daddy put the tree stand together.
 Even Mac likes to help!
 Jocelyn is quickly becoming a cheeser like her big sister.
 The tree is lit. 
 Mommy and Jocelyn
 Mommy and her girls
 Putting on the first ornament.
 Daddy and Jocelyn getting excited
 We MUST touch all of the ornaments.
 Throughout the course of the day, mommy lost four ornaments by mishaps from her little helpers.  Luckily, no fingers were cut during this tree decorating time.
 Checking out the ornaments
 Such a big helper.
 Daddy working on the outside lights.
 Yes, Jocelyn did this herself.  She is a monkey.
 The tree.  Now, our tree looked like this for about an hour or so before the ornaments were halfway up the tree only.
 Putting her ornaments in a safe place
 Decorating the tree with ties
 Miraculously, this is the only ornament left towards the bottom of the tree.
The beginning of the great ornament movement

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