Friday, December 28, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Daphne's friend Candice stayed the night one day and played with the girls.  Candice loves playing with the two girls.  They played outside with chalk for a good long time.  Our driveway was covered when they finished.  

 Making chalk people

 Daphne did a good job coloring her person
 Making chalk angels
 Jocelyn had to have her chalk person too.  She was so proud of it!
 We ATTEMPTED seeing the big man, but without much luck.  Daphne wouldn't talk to Santa.  Jocleyn wouldn't sit with him unless mommy was there too.  Daphne was pretty upset when we left because she didn't tell him what she wanted for Christmas.  We wrote a letter instead. 
 Buddy Elf came to our house again this year.  He left some yummy breakfast food for the two girls.  They were so confused by so much sugar in the morning! Pancakes, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, powdered sugar, strawberries, and mms. 
 Excited Daphne for Buddy Elf.
 Jocelyn was a little hesitant about the breakfast
 We went to see Newton being lit for Christmas.  Bryson, Daphne, Mommy, Daddy, Jocelyn, Charity, and Lauren went together.  It was pretty neat.  They had the band play, free pictures with Santa, lots of christmas carols being sung, free hot chocolate, popcorn, and carriage rides around the town square.  The girls had a really good time, even though it was pretty stinking cold out.
 Jocelyn and Lauren
 Silly Bryson
 Such a cheeser
 Don't be fooled by the picture, Daddy was really happy.  He doesn't smile in pictures because he thinks the flash makes him have weird front teeth.  (While it is sort of true, it's still funny)
 Watch Christmas movies!
 Daphne and Aunt Tiff shopping.  All I can do is shake my head and chuckle.  They are too funny together.
 Watching the Santa Clause for the first time.  The three of them sat on the couch like this most of the movie.

 Santa's reindeers in training
 Mommy's baking helpers
 This is a scary picture I know.  They are both eating cereal on a Saturday morning, "reading" their newspapers. 
 Jocelyn and daddy's hat
 Daphne and Jocelyn after seeing Santa in the mall. 

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