Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer time fun...

Here are some of the things we got into this summer.  These are quick photos.  I have many more posts.  I probably should post more often ;)
Jocelyn loves playing with Daphne's hair dressing outfit.
Mommy and daddy cleaned out the garage, storage area, and attic for our anniversary.  Daphne got to play with some of her "new" toys.
Ok, so Jocelyn may enjoy taking Daphne's stuff apart more than playing with it!
We LIVED at Carowinds this summer.  The girls loved every minute of it.  We would spend the day there and played on all of the dry and water rides.
Vroom vroom...
Playing with chalk outside
This is a picture of daddy.  Can't you see the resemblance?

The girls played hard at the water table. 
Jocelyn and her milk.  This was when she was really getting the hang of walking.  Yep, early summer!
Riding bikes time :)
Maddie was a friend of ours this summer.  The girls adored her.  Daphne still tells people when they come in that Maddie died and went to heaven to be with God.  It's so amazingly sweet and adorable.

Jocelyn eating watermelon over the 4th

yum yum
Drunk off the juice.

Even Oreo loved the gecko.  Tear tear.

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