Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jocelyn's first birthday at daycare...

Jocelyn had her first birthday party on Friday, June 15th.  I brought cupcakes for her class and Daphne's class. 
 Jocelyn's smash cake.
 Curious George cupcake cake.

Jocelyn didn't know what to do when the class was singing Happy Birthday to her.
 Daphne and Emilee.  Emilee joined me for her party since she was helping me get ready for Saturday.
 Looking at her cake, unsure of what to do with it.
 Taking the first bite.
 She kept using one finger over and over.
 Daphne licking the top of her cupcake.
Eventually she figured out how to really get into the cake.

That is one green baby :)

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