Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh The Things That Happen...

So we have had a busy first five weeks of Jocelyn's life. Here is some of the highlights. There will be more posts, trust me. :) Tummy time

Sleeping the afternoon away

Jocelyn is picking up her head by herself. This is at two weeks old!

Talking to daddy

Brian and Daphne licking icing from Lauren's birthday cake.

Daphne and Lauren playing in the splash pad. Mommy and Jocelyn were in the shade watching the two girls.
Daphne helping daddy with fixing his chair.

Playing Twister. She's getting pretty good with her colors and her left/right feet/hands.

Daphne and her "Super"

Daphne and her princess outfit

Mimi and Jocelyn

This shirt says it all! We are such the night owl

Kissy face

say cheese!

Safari Daphne. She loves the hat from Vacation Bible School this year.

Daphne and Paw Paw taking a Sunday afternoon nap

The end of a sly smile

Tiff and Joe came down for the weekend of the 4th of July. We all had fun. Daphne covered Uncle Joe with Baby Bella's blanket so they could watch a movie together.

All of the girls, including Baby Bella. Daphne carries her around to mimic everything mommy does with Jocelyn, including diaper changing. Tiff is enjoying snuggling with both girls.

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