We have welcomed Jocelyn Marie into our family on 6/16/11. She weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and she was 21 inches long. She was born at 10:07 pm.

She was born with dark dark hair.

We called everyone after she was weighed and cleaned, which was after 11. Needless to say, Daphne was still awake and couldn't wait until Friday to see her baby sister. Since she was staying with her Mimi and Paw, the group was at the hospital until after 12:30 am. It was kind of nice though because Clinton and I got a little sleep after they left, although Clinton got a lot more than I did. The nurses even moved his couch at one point around the room and he didn't even wake up!!! I was up every little bit so I could either nurse or be poked and prodded by the nurses. It was a good thing we liked them so much! We had wonderful nurses that took care of us all day and night.

Daphne was getting a little tired at the hospital.

Lauren with the new one.

We can already tell she is a daddy's girl!

Daphne got big sister stickers from the nurses. We had stickers for each foot.

Daddy's three girls.

Aunt Emilee had to come and see the little one. Big sister was right there too.

Mamaw and Pop Pop had to come and see the girls before we left the hospital.

Daphne with her Abby tutu.

Daphne loves her little sister.

Yay we are leaving. Mommy actually put the girls in matching outfits, however you can't see Jocelyn's outfit.

There it is! She looks so little in her bed.

Our family

Us girls again

Mimi getting to hold Jocelyn.

Paw Paw and his two girls

Daphne kissing Jocelyn

One proud uncle Brian

Big sister and uncle Brian

helping mommy change Jocelyn's diaper

When we got home on Saturday, Daphne wanted to play outside with uncle Brian and aunt Lauren. They started with bubbles.

Continued with the sprinkler...(and yes, Brian is in there too)

...and yes again, Brian is going down her pool slide

Playing in the pool

our two beautiful little girls
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