Monday, January 9, 2017

April 2016

After coming back from Disney, of course we don't slow down.  The girls go on a date with Daddy to the Daddy/Daughter Dance.  They swoon over getting new dresses and go dancing with Clinton.  Seriously is a topic of conversation ALL. YEAR. LONG.  We also got Jocelyn's ears repierced and went ahead and did Phoebe's while we were there.  Random last minute decision, but hey, we are good like that.  

 Yes, Jocelyn sleeps with the beast all the time.
 One afternoon I came into Phoebe's room, and all three girls had their new Princess dress on and was playing with their Harry Potter wands.  Even Phoebe was right along with them.  Crazies.
 Beautiful getting all dressed up.

 All matching outfits
 Jocelyn did so well at this.  she didn't cry.  Phoebe only cried for a second.

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