Hollywood Studios may have been my favorite place because we got to see all the most important things for my girls. Daphne loves all things Star Wars and not only did we get to see a Storm Trooper, but she got to make her very own light saber. Jocelyn got to use her Easter money to find that "perfect" present to herself, a Beast stuffed animal. She also got to see the play of Beauty and the Beast. It almost brought me to tears watching their excitement. We are a house of girls (and a daddy), so the Frozen Sing Along thing was necessary, and they loved it. All four kids are at the age of loving Disney Junior, so we got to have lunch with all the major Disney Junior Characters. We also got to see the very last performance of the stunt racers before they closed down that set. The only downside we had was by the time we got to Hollywood Studios (a few minutes before 10 mind you), the schedule for the Jedi Training Academy was booked solid for the remainder of our trip. It's more of a reason as to why we need to go back soon!

Working on building their own light sabers
Daphne was in heaven. She tried to ride on this thing before we noticed you weren't supposed to get on it...oops!
Daphne wanted a picture in front of the stunt cars
Frozen Sing Along
...it even snowed
Jocelyn and her new Beast. She spent the whole week looking for that "perfect" thing to spend her Easter money on from the Easter Bunny. Daphne spent hers the first day on a necklace that had beautiful charms on it. Jocelyn NEVER holds on to ANYTHING. She usually uses hers fast and then expects others to help her out (ie Daphne). Not this time. That Beast still gets carried around my house like a celebrity, along with Belle.
Edge of their seats watching this play. I think I MAY have watched 5 minutes of this play. The rest of the time was just watching these two faces.
Bob the Builder in their matching "Thing" shirts we got from Universal
This was too funny! This sums up our trip perfectly. Traveling with four children is very interesting, can be stressful, but in the end, worth every minute. Nothing could be forced, only enjoyed. Mimi and Paw have matching Thing shirts with the four kids. Daphne is Thing 1, Jocelyn is Thing 2, Jace is Thing 3, and Phoebe is Thing 4.
See, even the Beast had to get into family pictures. He's a solid member now.