Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Summer 2015

Lots have happened this summer.  Here is a quick overview of the end of summer.
 Mommy and Jocelyn being silly
 Daphne carries Phoebe around everywhere she can.  We have a new rule in the house...if she gets heavy, sit carefully and quickly and someone will come and help. 
 The girls playing with Catherine
 Daphne and her buddy
 Playing in the lake with Emilee and Shannon
 P being very entertained at the doctor's office
 Playing Headbanz with everyone
 Pool playing.  P wasn't too thrilled to be squeezed.

 Mawmaw and P talking on Friday afternoons.  This is our ritual while Daphne is at ballet.

 Lots of game nights

 Phoebe got to meet her cousin, Collin.

 Soccer playing

 This fits her personality well
 J loves gymnastics
 soccer soccer soccer
 Tiff, Joe and little Apollo at one of his baby showers
 Daphne practicing her ballet
She is always sleeping halfway out of the crib

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