Tons of stuff has been happening between November and Christmas. The girls are just moving and being crazy. They are definitely cute and funny, with little attitudes and dreams. They love to play together and fight together. Mommy and daddy have been busy with work and getting stuff ready for Christmas. We worked very hard this year during Advent to spend some quality family time every night. Sometimes it was a lot of time, sometimes it was a short amount of time. The girls loved the different special activities we did each night. Mommy made an Advent calendar and hung it on the wall, with cards with an activity and Bible verse for each night. Daphne and Jocelyn would run as fast as they could (after they found Buddy the Elf) to turn over the card for the day.

Jocelyn retired her pink swing. Daddy put up her big girl swing in its place. She loves it.
Daphne has figured out how to climb the monkey bars without any help!
Jocelyn built a huge tower out of her legos. She was so proud of her creation.
Daphne fell asleep on a Friday evening after a long day of Kindergarten. She didn't even eat all of her pizza!
Daphne and Jocelyn on Santa's lap. This is the first year Daphne didn't cry. Jocelyn, however, was not a happy camper. Maybe in a few years I will get a picture where they are both smiling with Santa!
We went to Mimi and Paw's one weekend evening for dinner. Daphne went downstairs with Shannon and they both got very quiet. I went down to check on them, and they were both snoring. Needless to say, Daphne spent the night that night!
My little girl is playing basketball!!! She had her first game January 4th and got the ball twice. We didn't score, but we came pretty close!
The girls have discovered their new love of the basement and the fact it has heat AND Netflix.
One of our Advent activities was to make Snowmen Snacks. The girls made snowmen on a stick.
We also made gingerbread trees this year instead of a gingerbread house.
Jocelyn would put one decoration on the tree, then one in her mouth, then one of the tree, then one in her mouth.
Adding our final sprinkles on our tree.
Hard at work!
Daphne and daddy went to basketball practice one Saturday morning, leaving mommy and Jocelyn to spend some time together. I asked her what she wanted to do, so she ran into her room to her toy box, pulled the container of cars out, and dumped them on the floor. Her next words were "sit mommy." I obeyed.
Tiff and Joe came to visit December 23rd. Unfortunately daddy had to work that day, so we played without him. We decorated all kinds of penguins.
We also attempted to make cookies. Too bad Joe used the wrong kind of flour, so they didn't work so well. We had to start over when we got home.
Tiff and I had to take J to the doctor because she was not feeling very good. We sat for 2 hours because it was so busy! Tiff got the full "taking a sick kid to a doctor's office" feel. At least we got some meds to make her feel better, so it was worth the wait. I would have hated her to be miserable over Christmas!
Finished cookies!
A couple of days after Christmas, mommy was left with the two girls unsupervised with sharp objects. The girls wanted to open the Nerf guns they bought with Christmas money, so mommy did just that. Too bad the knife got in the way and went into my arm. I have to brag on Daphne for a minute though, because she was a very brave and smart little girl. She went to get my cell phone to call uncle Brian and daddy for help. She also then kept Jocelyn out of the kitchen where all the blood was, and helped her go potty and put shoes on while we were waiting for someone to come and help. Mimi showed up and took us to the doctor. Two stitches and a funny not quite surprising story for mommy to tell at school...Mommy's newest moment of pure Awesomeness!
Daphne and her snowman snack!
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