As most of everyone in the entire world knows...Clinton and I are HUGE Griswalds. We love Christmas time. The lights, the smells, the foods, the feeling, the weather. It's great. This year, we were given the gift of celebrating this wonderful day with our two girls. Daphne is really figuring out what Christmas means and everything that goes with it, and Jocelyn is in pure amazement of all that she sees. The conversations we have had with our three year old over the past month are remarkable. We truly are blessed by these two amazing young girls who bring out the best (and occasionally seeing the worst habits of ours) in the both of us. We couldn't be happier. I am also a photo junkie who takes waaaaaay too many pictures, and I couldn't decide which few I liked the best, so therefore, there are a ton :) Enjoy them all!

Daphne and Jocelyn in their Christmas pjs before going to bed. It's a great thing Jocelyn is so laid back to withstand the love and help from Daphne.

Daphne and Jocelyn made cookies for Santa. She even left some carrots for the reindeer and some reindeer food outside.

wow! Santa came!

Daphne getting ready to open the first present. She was preparing Clinton and I, while trying to tell Jocelyn what she was going to do.

Jocelyn is not so thrilled to be up early.

She recovered quickly when she got to open her first present.

Nemo game!

Jocelyn still playing with her first toy.

Daphne's car book. She loves the play mats that have figurines with them.

Jocelyn is unsure what to do with everything. She is interested, but VERY tired.

Daddy made everyone hot chocolate to drink while opening presents. Daphne loves using her little mug (handmade by Shannon for mommy a few years ago)

Jocelyn opening her piggy bank. She could really get into them by herself.

...except the fact that she loved the paper!

Mac being a trooper! There were no bows attached to him this year.

Art stuff from Santa!

Jocelyn is a much happier camper

Daphne is opening the things she wanted more than anything else in the world..."a mommy hamster, a daddy hamster, and a baby hamster." No, not real ones (thank goodness)

Jocelyn working hard to see what is inside.

We have started to love the toy already. It makes so many different animal noises!

hmm...I wonder what's in here?

This is one of the million reasons why we loved this year! Priceless faces!

Mommy helping Jocelyn

Halfway through the morning, Jocelyn couldn't take it anymore. She HAD to have a nap. Of course, daddy didn't mind. I love that man more and more with each moment watching him with our children.

Daphne and her new plastic golf set. We used the other one so much it got destroyed. Bring it on Paw paw!

Daphne figured out she could rip off paper faster if she twirled it around her arm.

The girls spent a lot of time and thought into getting daddy's present this year. We literally went in to several stores before Daphne found the PERFECT present. She wanted to get him something he loved and that they could enjoy together. (and yes, this is what came out of her mouth as we were shopping together...she amazes me)

A batman car and batman and the "badguy". Daphne told him she would teach him how to play with them. haha!

Playing with her hamsters. They are now all over my house (thanks to a major addition from Brian and Lauren and a wonderful friend who gave them several more, along with the tubes and such to go with them)

Looking through her kaleidescope.
After Santa presents and dressing for the day, we all went to Mimi and Paw Paw's house to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. The whole family was there with us to celebrate this wonderful day.

Jocelyn was dressed in a Santa outfit for the day. She was adorably festive. She, however, did not enjoy the clothes in that box.

She liked the toy in that box. Yep, she will be our athlete!

Daphne trying to show Jocelyn how to work this, while Jocelyn is trying to show her a thing or two.

eh, clothes again.

Paw paw playing with Jocelyn on the floor. That was a neat little contraption.

Jocelyn got her Radio Flyer wagon from Mamaw and Pop Pop! Oh she was happy riding around in it. She loved it. We have ridden in it several times already.

Love it. You can tell she needs a nap.

One of the great things about family get togethers. Food comas!

Jocelyn FINALLY got her much needed long nap. We all took turns trying to fix her head back so it didn't look so crooked. Daddy needed a nap too. He has been working so much lately and very long hours to take care of us. Plus, it is almost impossible to sit and snuggle WITHOUT falling asleep next to the little heater.

Feeling great after a nap! She is an amazingly happy baby!

The girls both sharing their toys in our disaster of a living room.

I love love love love listening to the two girls. They play so well together, and Jocelyn is really trying to talk while Daphne is playing. It is great. Who knew you could love another person so much as you do when you have children?
PS...Clinton got a new job at the State Employee's Credit Union in Denver! He started December 30th. Let's say it's a whole new Clinton with his happiness and how he comes home! LOVE IT!
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