We had a scare in March with Daphne. One morning, we woke up to a major nose bleed. It turns out, it was strep throat. The next week, she got this really weird rash. The doctor said she was ok, so we just kept putting stuff on it. Then the scary stuff came. We woke up on a Tuesday morning with Daphne acting really funny. Then she looked at mommy while sitting on the sink, then passed out. We couldn't wake her up until she was ready. Then she stared off for a few minutes and finally came to. It was scary. We tried to wake her, but it didn't work. Daddy took her to the kitchen, and she did it again. We decided to take her to school because she started crying wanting to go, so we sent her. She was whiny all day long, so we took her to Mimi and Paw's to stay the night so they could watch her. Clinton and I were at home maybe an hour, when we got a phone call. Daphne had passed out in the bathtub, and was staring off again. Mimi tried to get her up and couldn't get her to respond. We took her to the emergency room, where they took blood and told us they thought it was seizures, but to go to the regular doctor tomorrow. We were getting ready the next day after a long night, and she did it again. We went to the doctor, where they did an EEG. They sent us straight to Baptist Hospital. We were there for 6 days hooked up to lots of machines. It was a terrible thing, holding Daphne down to glue 26 electrodes on her head, and to watch her have to go through all of this. Eventually, we got her out of the baby bed and into a room where she was hooked up only by a long wire to her head and backpack of wires so she could walk around. Every person there was really nice to us, and really cared for Daphne. They would run in every single time Daphne even remotely wanted something. They gave her enough popsicles and orange juice to last a lifetime! It was adorable watching her interact with the adults. They couldn't believe she was only 2 and not 4 because of the way she was talking and acting. We finally got to leave with knowing it was a viral infection that they hoped would not show up anymore, even though they weren't sure if it would or not. We were very relieved she wouldn't be on medicine for the rest of her life and we could go back to our normal lives!
Daphne waking up with a nosebleed.
Daphne and Mommy

After getting the electrodes glued to her head for the first time. Pig was our friend the whole time.
Love pig

A much happier Daphne

Shannon and Daphne
Getting down to go potty. That was the only time she was allowed out of the bed while in the first room.

Daddy rocking Daphne to sleep on a particularly difficult night.

A happy Daphne in our new room.

Daphne getting to play in the playroom in our second room. She didn't mind being hooked up so much then. There were a few times where the nurse didn't come fast enough to move the cord from one room to the next, so we had a few accidents.

Daphne taking her own picture.

Daphne playing Hi Ho Cherry O!

Teaching Mimi how to play the game.

Daphne had taken her headband down so all she could see were her "hairbows."

The nurses LOVED playing with Daphne. They gave her all kinds of little goodies to play with while we were there.
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