Here are some pictures from pumpkin carving and Tiff and Joe's wedding. Everything went well. It was pretty and everyone had fun. They went to Disneyworld for their honeymoon. fun stuff! I hope they bring back Minnie ears for Daphne :)

Clinton and I after I had been running around doing wedding stuff.

All of us girls (and a boy on the way!)

Jennifer, Tiff, Daphne, and me (and of course Jen's little peanut)

This was Daphne playing in her igloo with uncle Brian after "carving" her pumpkin. Obviously the markers won that fight. oh and no, her belly is not always that ethiopian looking!

Tiff and Joe saying their vows

the give away. Tyson (Joe's nephew and the little boy to the side of him) didn't want to be far from Joe the whole time until his mom had to come and get him.

Mom, Dad, and Daphne at the wedding

Daphne coloring at Chilis in Asheville with mommy, Aunt Shannon, and Aunt Tiff

all of our pumpkins we carved. Daphne's is on the left, then mine, then Brendan and Shannon's, then Brian and Lauren's, then Charity's

This was too cute. Bryson was holding Daphne while they were watching "The Grinch." Now, yes I know the timestamp says October, and yes that is the real date, but the girls wanted to watch it and so that's what they watched!

Obviously Daphne was entranced for a whole five minutes! It was one of the longest times we've seen her pay attention to the TV, other than when watching Milo and Otis. Now, it's almost bed time and she's about asleep in these pictures, but oh well!

Brendan and Shannon carving their pumpkin

All of us on the floor carving

uncle Brian helping Bryson with his pumpkin. They were inspecting the seeds.

Daphne was fascinated by the stem of her pumpkin

Showing Daphne the gooey insides.

Want some cupcake? I share (siiiiiikkkkkkeeeeeeeeee!)

Daphne in her halloween get up. and yes, we HAVE to wear the boots too.

Don't you love the hat? It actually fits this year! She is also wearing matching socks that goes with her sleeves that we had from last year too.
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