Whewww, this was a really exciting and exhausting few days. Christmas is hard on me, but I got a lot of cool stuff from Santa and my family. Mommy and daddy are falling asleep on the couch, and Uncle Brian is snoring! I thought I would write a note and show my first Christmas.

I have now successfully mastered three fingers in the mouth by the end of the day.

I am trying really hard to figure out who this guy is. They told me to watch out for him because he is sneaky, but I will have fun with him. He likes to play!

Pop pop made me a sign on the back of my brand new shiny red wagon so I can wear my nickname proudly.

Yay for new wagons!

I can't decide whether I like my feet or my new toy better. On the one foot, I can take my feet anywhere. One the other foot, these new toys make some awesome noises. I'm still trying to decide.

Paw bought me a new horse to play with. He said this will have to do because mommy and daddy doesn't have a hard big enough for a real pony. It sounds just like one (but doesn't smell!)

After all the presents, I'm really tired. I had to take a little nap before we went to mawmaw's.

I can ride my new horsey!

I want the purse out now mommy! Get it out, get it out now!

Uncle Brian likes his presents from Santa.

Aunt Shannon thinks it is too early to get up. I personally like 5am. You get to see the sunrise.

I am a big girl opening my presents.

Santa came! Santa came!

Christmas pjs. It says I am Santa's helper, but I don't think I have the bright shiny red nose for that job. I'll go to bed and wait for him instead.

Playing with my abc rings before bedtime.

Mommy caught me falling asleep in my swing. I like to prop my feet on the swing like daddy does with the coffee table.

Mommy and the wonderful people she works with. They got to dress up in their pjs for Polar Express day! I had to do the dirty work of getting the turtles home for break. I tried to pet them, but I was told that is a no no. :( oh well, I'll try again later!
We went to see lights at Tanglewood Park on Saturday before Christmas with paw and mimi and mommy and daddy. They were bright and pretty. We also had Christmas Eve here at my house. Lots and lots of people stopped by and ate chicken and steak. I personally had the chicken and it was yummy in my tummy. After that, mommy and daddy drove me to mimi and paw's so we could see Santa. I tried really hard to stay up all night to watch for him, but I fell asleep. He was very good to me. I now think mommy and daddy are going to buy a new house with more room for my toys. Ha ha daddy, you don't have an office to play in anymore! There was just so many things to see and do and so many people to hold and play with me that I am wanting to continue to play into the wee hours of the morning. Mommy says I really like a schedule or I am cranky. Oh well, it's time for a nap now. I'm still recovering from the busy days. Thank you for all the wonderful things this Christmas. I had a blast.
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