Monday, October 27, 2008

This past week has gone by so quickly! Here is a recap. Maiden Fire Department came to visit Daphne's school on Tuesday. Brian started his new job on Monday, which he really enjoyed showing off his new uniform. I broke my toe on Wednesday night by kicking my computer that was on the floor. I forgot where I put it, and WAM. There goes my toe. It's a good thing that toe was already weirdly crooked! We have some wonderful news though...we will have a new edition to the Eddings family. Joe FINALLY proposed to Tiff! Yippie!!! It's a really old ring with a dark blue sapphire in the middle of it. I can't WAIT to see it in person! This just means I have to quickly lose lots of weight and baby skin to fit into dresses by wedding time! Other than that, Clinton and I have just been enjoying giggling with each other like two school kids a lot lately. It's fun :)

Naked baby strikes again!

Daphne has been HATING the idea of clothing. She is extremely hot natured like her mama, so clothes are usually the first thing to go if she cries and there is a fully belly and a clean diaper.

Cole misses pictures taken of him.

Oreo has started enjoying being around me again, which I really enjoy it!

Naked baby, naked baby, naked baby.

Firewoman baby

Her outfit that is not pink or purple!

We LOVE this picture. She's blowing bubbles and wearing her hat. She loved playing on the fire truck that day at school.

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