The elephants were so close to us! We almost touched one and one wanted attention so bad that it was banging his feet up against the gate where they come and go.
Overall, it was an amazing trip. The only animals we did not get to see were the warthogs and the hippos. It was too hot for them when we went by and they were in the back getting water and food. We got to watch them feed the penguins, all the sharks and other tropical fish, and the sea lion. He did a lot of little tricks for us. The little kids that were around us were yelling and screaming they were so excited. It was cute. We will definitely be taking the baby to the zoo when she gets here.
We ate our anniversary cake, which was surprisingly still good after a year. It was very rich, and we didn't realize that until now. Probably because that was the first time we had really gotten to eat anything from our wedding! On our wedding day we actually only ate the one bite of cake for the camera and then my aunt and uncle stopped at Wendys on our way to the airport so we could eat. That was a fun night.
I do have to say that this has been a wonderful year for us and we can't wait for more and more to spend together. Next year we will go someplace different just the two of us so we can celebrate year #2 together :)
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