Jocelyn LOVES bath time with her big sister, and Daphne LOVES bath time with her little sister.

As you can tell, Daphne and Jocelyn love taking baths together. Jocelyn has gotten to where she will cry if she has to be put in the little tub. She tries to wiggle her way off her seat because she is splashing so much! We have had a busy few weeks. School has started back, which means mommy is super busy, the house isn't in summer neatness condition anymore (haha), the girls have both been sick (Jocelyn last weekend with belly mess and fever, and this weekend Daphne with ear infections, strep, and bronchitis), and daddy is just trying to keep up with all of us! Jocelyn has finally gotten used to daycare. She was reluctant the first few days, or at least with the bottle. She did NOT like that AT ALL. She would only have 1 or 2 a day, and that was only because she was starving. Finally, she has realized that it is a good thing and that mommy will still feed her in the evenings/nights. Daphne has had some trouble getting back into the groove of things. She was given a new color at school for her behavior "black." Luckily, we have had a better week last week, so we are hoping it continues. We are so thankful to have wonderful ladies who watch over our two precious girls everyday and not complain when they have a bad day!