Monday, November 22, 2010
Daphne has news...
Lots of Posts-part 3
Tiff came down for a bit this weekend to spend some much needed park time with Daphne. She went to Shells (third time that week!) and then to Glen Hilton Park to play on the slides and with the ducks. I'm not sure who had more fun...Daphne...or TIFF!
Daphne figuring out the slide.

Lots of Posts-Part 2
These are all about Halloween and our festivities. We got to take Daphne on her first trick-or-treating experience. Oh she had a blast. She and Bryson was so tired by the end of the night!
Woody and Jessie getting ready to go get lots of candy.
Lots of Posts-part 1
I'm finally getting back to my computer to upload about a million pictures we have taken. So much has happened. I'm not going into details, I'll just show you pictures instead! We all know that's what you are here for anyway ;)
This is Daphne's almost-permanent spot in the house. We have lots of time outs in our house. At least she's learning quickly! (yes, she is just as hard headed and independent as both her mommy and daddy!)
Paw and Daphne snuck off one day to the golf course. It must be nice to get out of school whenever she has a few really good days!
They also went fishing for the first time ever. She STILL talks about that "catch fish."
Aunt Shannon trying to help her reel in her catch.
And yes, they did bring that home to mommy. It's still in the freezer.
yummy homemade pizza. One of Daphne's favorites!
Of course she has on a rather large plastic cross from daddy's costume. She loves the necklace.
Paw bought her these balloons because she could count to 10. Can we say spoiled?
We also got candy for being a good girl at the doctor's office with paw. We LOVE paw being retired!

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Quick post
Daphne has been running around about as much as Clinton and I. This past MONTH, she has gone golfing and fishing with Paw paw. Daphne and I went to Raleigh for a fun girl's weekend. Then last weekend we went to the cabin for some rest and relaxation. We had tons of fun. Now, Daphne has learned the ABC song and can count successfully (most of the time) from 1-10. She is forming longer and longer sentences every day, and carrying on REAL conversations on a daily basis. It's awesome! Here are a few pictures of her own golf clubs. Yep, pretty funny. It's too bad they are right handed, and she's gonna be a LEFTY!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Daphne's 2nd birthday
So the picture uploader is being annoying and I have actually tried to upload pictures several times for about 2 weeks now. I'm attempting something different. Anyway, Daphne had a wonderful birthday. She actually got to celebrate her 2nd birthday 3 different times. (of course she was happy with all the refined sugar!) Thursday the 5th we celebrated her birthday with her best little friend Bryson from next door. As you can tell from the pictures, EVERYONE enjoyed themselves. And to think, the boys only had tea! Friday she got to celebrate her birthday at daycare. She had a Buzz and Woody cake. They are becoming an ever-increasing part of our lives, as she now carries both dolls around the house. Saturday we had her big party with food and fun. Unfortunately, we couldn't schedule her party any other weekend, so lots of her friends couldn't come. The good news was that my house wasn't completely destroyed, AND we fit everyone in quite nicely! She was showered with gifts from everyone, from clothes to basketball goals, and lots of Thomas stuff. She also got a new tricycle and a fish aquarium. We have to kiss our fishies every night (now that they are living). It was pretty funny though. Clinton and I bought 12 fish on Friday. By Saturday morning, Clinton was taking 8 of them back because they died! We had 10 fish die altogether, but we replaced them with different fish. School is back in full swing, so you know where my brain is right now! (hence the 1:00ish post) Anyway, enjoy the pics!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Summer update
Lots have happened since June. I changed classrooms and grades. I will now be teaching 3rd grade. After I moved classrooms, I went to Teacher Academy for a week. This was the first time I was away from Clinton and Daphne for more than a few hours. After I got back, we left that afternoon for Raleigh. We went to the beach and had a great time. We did lots of things there, including eating japanese food and Daphne making her first Build-a-Bear. It's a cute dog with a safari hat on. I also bought my handheld GPS so I could go geocaching. I'm addicted to it! Once we left Raleigh, Daphne and I went to the mountains for the rest of the week. We had a lot of fun up there with Mimi. On Friday night, daddy came up to be with us for the weekend. Saturday, we went to Tweetsie with mimi and paw. It was fun. Daphne had a good time. She wasn't too sure about the train ride, but she LOVED the dancing. She even tried to dance along with them on the table. It was cute. We came home that Sunday afternoon, and then had a day or two to play around the house. Daphne and I did lots of art projects this whole summer, including making stepping stones, bouncy balls, drawings, paintings, and other little pom pom ball animals. Clinton and I have basically torn our house apart and put it back together, with a lot less mess and old stuff in it. I am very proud of the hard work we have both been doing. That has taken up quite a bit of our summer, but we are glad we have finished our massive to-do list. Daphne has been right there with us playing and helping go through old toys. We even cleaned out the playroom. It's probably a good thing since her birthday is next week and I'm sure she'll have it packed again. You would be proud, I even put some of my DVD collection in the yard sale! Daphne got to see Toy Story 3 twice this summer. She loves "Buzz Likeyear," and listens to the theme song all the time. Her new favorite vegetable is "blockli," but she won't eat the stems, only the top. She has been helping me a whole lot in the garden this summer. I mean helping by eating almost all the strawberries and cherry tomatoes off the vines. Daphne is also a huge fish. She loves swimming, and she would go everyday all day if possible. Once when we went with mimi and paw to a pool party, she jumped off the diving board for 2 1/2 hours straight! She had to be like the big kids. She really acts like a big kid, even though she's not quite 2! this is an extremely quick version of our summer. We have had tons of fun so far! this is an extremely quick version of our summer. We have had tons of fun so far!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Memorial Day...
For Memorial Weekend, we went to the cabin in the good ole' mountains. We went with Emilee and Jason. It was fun. We had to stop at the toy store while we were out, and of course, the candy shop. Here are just a few pictures.
Eating pretzels in our camping pjs. Appropriate huh?
These two pictures are in reverse order! Jason bought Emilee a Cookie Monster doll. Well, Jason had the bedroom door open, when sneaky Daphne walked into the room and tried to take the Cookie Monster. She didn't think he saw her until she came out and we saw her playing with it. We made her give him back to Jason! It was funny because he stood there and watched her the whole time, just wanting to see what she would do :)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A month full of birthdays and a quick FUN trip
So since the last post, we have celebrated three birthdays...Jason's, mine, and Brandon's. Emilee made steaks and potatoes for Jason's birthday, mom made lasagna for my birthday, and we went to eat at Texas Roadhouse for Brandon's birthday. Tiff came to Hickory the weekend of Mother's Day, and we went out for a girl's day to celebrate my birthday. I had a lovely Mother's Day at mom and dad's, and planted my brand new trees that my wonderful parents and my wonderful husband and daughter bought for me. It was a great day. Science EOG's are completed, and up next is the rest of the EOGs, both reading and math. I'll be happy when they are over...only 20 days of school left! yippie!
Ok, so Tiff left her Mr. Banana at our house on Saturday, so Daphne decided it was her new toy. And yes, she also found a passsy and thought it would be fun to sleep with that also. She never took one as a baby, and doesn't sleep with them now. It was weird that she wanted it when she found it. Daphne was holding Banana hostage. We had to sneak him out of the house and into church when Daphne wasn't looking!

Brandon had to sit on the saddle at Texas Roadhouse for his birthday.
Ok, so Tiff left her Mr. Banana at our house on Saturday, so Daphne decided it was her new toy. And yes, she also found a passsy and thought it would be fun to sleep with that also. She never took one as a baby, and doesn't sleep with them now. It was weird that she wanted it when she found it. Daphne was holding Banana hostage. We had to sneak him out of the house and into church when Daphne wasn't looking!
Brandon had to sit on the saddle at Texas Roadhouse for his birthday.
Saturday morning, Clinton and Brandon got up early and went to a yard sale, while Charity, Daphne, Bryson, and I went to a baseball game of some of the boys in my classrooms. After we got back, we were packing a lunch to go play at the park, when the boys started talking about doing something spontaneous and going somewhere. SOOOOO....we ended up spending the night at the Great Wolf Lodge and played at the indoor water park. Oh wow it was so much fun! The kids (both big and small) enjoyed themselves emmensely. We can't wait to go back! It was really nice because it was a fairly big room with two queen beds and a pull out full size bed for the kids, and we could swim all afternoon Saturday and all day Sunday, even after we checked out of the room. It had restaurants and games all throughout the lodge. It was wonderful!
The two kids wrestling Clinton on the bed. I think they were winning at this point!
The kids before we went into the pool on Sunday morning.
The kids in their floaties. They loved these because they could go in the kiddie pool without someone holding them the whole time.
This is an attempt at showing what the little ones played on about 98% of the time. It had two small slides, a big tube slide, "jet skis" and all kinds of other play things. Daphne got really brave and would go up the steps and down the slides and back around all by herself. Of course we were in the pool with her, but she would go around the step area by herself as we followed on the outside. She was even trying to swim by herself in the pool following the other kids.
A really bad picture of the wave pool. The great thing was there were not nearly as many people there as when you go to Carowinds. You had to stay at the lodge in order to get into the water park. There were several tube slides that the adults played on :)
Bryson laying around waiting for the boys to get out of the bathroom after dinner. Dinner was wonderful at the lodge!
Daphne and daddy talking before bedtime. It was adorable.
At the end of the night on Saturday, the two little ones were barely staying awake. They swam from 3-6 and then from 7 until 9! Needless to say, once we actually got them used to the bed and the room, they slept VERY well. While Charity and I put the kids to bed (she had to do homework), Clinton and Brandon went downstairs to the arcade and won the little ones a monkey for each.
The two little ones in the bed.
They passed out pretty hard. They had trouble getting to sleep since it was a new place, but Pavlov's song did the trick :) Also, they barely had a nap on both Saturday and Sunday, so Daphne fell asleep for good by 7:15 sunday! We also stopped by Dave and Buster's on the way out on Sunday to see one of Brandon's friends, and we played games for awhile for free with his game card. We all won two dragons and two suckers...guess who got those!
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