That's it for now...have a great week! School is almost out! Yippie!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Our baby is getting so big!
So I have been a tad bit stressed the past few weeks (to put it lightly). Anyway, so I came home today after talking to Clinton all the way home about stress and mess while I'm on the way to get our daughter. He calls me back and says he had to stop for gas, so I said okay and took the dog out. Well, I came home and he walks in a few minutes after me with these BEAUTIFUL roses, a chinese food kit (which we love cooking together), and some egg rolls. (closest to japanese food that can be found in the grocery store for under $10 and 5 minutes to make :) )
We are also watching how quickly Daphne is growing up. She is ALMOST walking. She takes a step and then tries for the second one and falls down because she gets really excited. It's so adorable. She has also been jumping and dancing around the house. She's been in a great mood, playing with "dog" and using her "arm extensions" to get things down from the table. I wish I had pictures, but it all happened so fast I couldn't get my camera! She took her plastic golf clubs and is now using them to get things off of tables, sofas, etc. that she wants and is normally out of her reach. So smart!
Daphne is playing with her apple juice cup. She has figured out that her shoes make noise when they are wet and you can squeak them on the ground...SO....we dump out part of our juice to make the noise!
We are also at almost 4 teeth! Two top, two bottom.
She's getting a cheerio off the bottom of her juice cup. If you look closely at her was a very dirty day playing outside. It's a good thing I expect it and are going to invest in Spray 'n' Wash stock :)
That's it for now...have a great week! School is almost out! Yippie!!!
That's it for now...have a great week! School is almost out! Yippie!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Concert, Mothers Day, and Spring Fling
There are lots of random pictures on this post. First, we have Fleetwood Mac pictures. I got to see Stevie up close! I, of course, had to buy a tshirt :) We also have Mother's Day pictures. Daphne is in her adorable sailor outfit, even though she took out her bow halfway through church. Oh well. It was an interesting first Mother's Day for me. I woke up to breakfast in bed with Daphne and Clinton. I also got this really nice statue of a dragon and her babies. It was cute. Then we went to church, and that's when the interesting part comes in. Clinton started complaining that his back hurt. Well, an hour later, he's almost in tears from the pain, so Emilee came over to watch Daphne while I took him to the ER. We spent the next 6 hours in there to find out he has a kidney stone! Hopefully, he will get rid of that sucker soon! It was a good day though and I'm really happy it wasn't anything worse than that.
Daphne is now trying to walk across the room by herself. Doesn't she look so innocent here? ha! If you said yes, you have been FOOLED! Our house is very clean (at least in the living room, kitchen, her bathroom, bedroom, and playroom, which is really most of the house!)
heading to play with her doggy, Mac. She absolutely loves playing with him. It's cute when he actually lets her. He's gotten to where sometimes he doesn't want to be messed with and walks away when she comes crawling.

Gotta love her! In this picture, she looks almost like Clinton in a dress :)
Us at our hotel right after the concert. We had such a great time! It was nice getting to spend our first night away from Daphne.
Oh yeah, love the seats? I know you are jealous!!! It's ok. We went with some friends and they were jealous too. We had to wave to them :) We love you guys!
She's trying to figure out how to open her fruit mesh holder thingy.
Daphne has gotten to where she loves to eat fresh fruit. We put strawberries, bananas, pineapples, you name the fruit, it probably has been in there. She really loves pineapples and mangos like her mama. We laugh and say she really was conceived in Hawaii, but it took a long time to make her. In this picture, when she was finished with her strawberries, her whole shirt was red with juice, her hands, her face, her hair, her pants, I don't think there was a clean spot. She was all smiles though!
Aunt Shannon and I went shopping one day with Daphne because we both had to get a few things. It was so funny because Shannon wanted to buy her something but she couldn't decide what, until we saw the Octopus cup. Now, even though she can barely drink out of a sippy cup correctly, we still had to buy the Octopus with a straw. We really liked chewing on the straw. It'll be good for her when she does start using straws in the next several months.

Sunday we went to Daphne's school for their Spring Fling. It was rainy, but they did a great job. There was lots of food, games, and even a petting zoo. Daphne loved the camel. She did NOT like the turtle. Clinton tried to bend her over the gate to get her to pet the turtle, and she absolutely freaked out. We don't know if it smelled or if it was the size that scared her, but it did. We went back to the camel and she was all smiles again. It was pretty funny though. Clinton and I felt like we were carrying around a celebrity. Daphne is known by just about everyone there, and they all had to come up and say hey to her and tell us she is so pretty and adorable and getting big, etc. It was pretty funny.

Sunday we went to Daphne's school for their Spring Fling. It was rainy, but they did a great job. There was lots of food, games, and even a petting zoo. Daphne loved the camel. She did NOT like the turtle. Clinton tried to bend her over the gate to get her to pet the turtle, and she absolutely freaked out. We don't know if it smelled or if it was the size that scared her, but it did. We went back to the camel and she was all smiles again. It was pretty funny though. Clinton and I felt like we were carrying around a celebrity. Daphne is known by just about everyone there, and they all had to come up and say hey to her and tell us she is so pretty and adorable and getting big, etc. It was pretty funny.
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