Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter and other random thoughts...

This is us for Easter. We completely forgot to take pictures when we both were looking very pretty for church this morning. We were too excited about riding in the new Aura that Tiff bought last night. Meany didn't call and tell me until this morning! Grr! I am starting to look very pregnant in some of my pictures, but as long as I look cute that's all I care about :)
We went to mom and dad's for Easter lunch. It was yummy even though we were really the only people who ate anything! Brian and Randa had to go to her family for lunch, so they ate like little birds. Shannon and Brendan were too passed out on the couch to eat food. I wasn't upset about that...that just meant I got to eat more food! Plus, more left overs for Clinton and I!!! :)
Mac was very sad he couldn't have left overs and didn't get any Easter candy like his mommy and daddy. He did get a yummy bone though so I think he was happy.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Being sick...
Friday, March 7, 2008
First Post...
Emilee came home tonight with a wonderful present for me. I was so excited. She was out with a friend shopping and she came home with a little black cardigan that will go perfectly with my black and white dress. It is warm so my arms don't completely freeze, but still light so I don't sweat to death! Yippie for thoughtful roommates!
I am also ready to go back to Hawaii. I miss being there at the beach everyday and getting to eat the best pineapples and other fruit. I always think I am secretly a Hawaiian but I didn't know it. We really want to go somewhere for Spring Break, but money is tight with having to work on the retaining wall, so we have no idea what we are going to do yet. If you have ideas for a cheap few days away, please feel free to let me know. We are up for many different options!